
Size of Wales

Size of Wales aims to bring everyone in Wales together to help sustain an area of tropical forest the size of Wales as part of a national response to climate change.

‘An area the size of Wales’ is frequently used to measure the rate of forest destruction. Through Size of Wales, we aim to turn that negative use of the country’s size on its head, by encouraging the people of Wales to take positive action and help protect an area of rainforest equivalent to the size of our nation.

Orangutan Land Trust

Orangutan Land Trust supports the preservation and restoration of forests in the areas where orangutans naturally exist. We aim to ensure that there are safe forest areas set aside for orangutans.

Rainforest Saver Foundation

The Rainforest Saver Foundation is a charity promoting a technique called Inga alley cropping as a replacement for slash and burn farming in tropical rainforest areas. This will not only save the Rainforest, but helps to alleviate the poverty of these very poor farmers. Currently they work with projects in Honduras and Cameroon.

Every rider is asked to donate £1 to help these charities save the rainforests.