Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all goods and services provided by greenthumb.travel which is the trading name of Green Thumb Travel Ltd company registration number 09562822. Green Thumb Travel Ltd owns and operates the website: www.greenthumb.travel

Defined Terms

  • “greenthumb” and "greenthumb.travel" means Green Thumb Travel Ltd.
  • “Token” or "credit" refers to the payment made to greenthumb.travel to use the service and includes the voluntary donation, if made, and VAT.
  • “Conditions” means these General Conditions of Use.
  • “Driver” means the individual offering to provide a ride to a hitcher, whether registered with site or not.
  • "Hitcher" or “hitch-hiker” means a person hitching and accepting a ride as a passenger and registering the ride using the greenthumb.travel App.
  • "App" means the computer software downloaded free from Google playstore or Applestore that enables hitchers to use the greenthumb.travel service.
  • “Trip, ride, Journey, lift” all mean a ride given by a driver at no charge to a hitch-hiker using our service.
  • “Service” refers to any service provided by greenthumb to any User.
  • “Site” means www.greenthumb.travel and any other website or related mobile or other applications edited, maintained or operated by greenthumb.travel.
  • “User” refers to a Passenger, Driver or any other user of the Site.
  • “User Account” refers to a Passenger, Driver or any other user of the Site.
  • “Vehicle” means the vehicle used by a Driver to provide a lift to a hitcher.
  • “Charity” means one or more of the charities greenthumb is collecting donations to support.


What greenthumb.travel does.

We provide an app to record lifts taken by hitch-hikers in order to make hitch hiking safer for the hitch-hiker and the driver.

N.B. We make hitching a lift safer - we can't make it entirely safe.

When a hitch-hiker thumbs a lift they put the registration number of the car and the destination in the app. A record is kept of the hitcher’s phone number, the time and place, the car number and the destination. When the journey is complete the hitcher reports that via the app.

The record is available to persons nominated by the hitcher and kept for one month unless there is a request for information in which case it is kept for as long as is necessary. If the police enquire we will tell them all we know.

Drivers who sign up with us will receive our newsletter and will be offered discounts from companies that are supporting our work.

Hitchers are asked to make a voluntary donation to the charities that we are supporting. These are charities that are trying to preserve the rainforests in order to combat climate change. greenthumb.travel's role is to collect the donation and gift aid declarations and pass them on to the charities.


What greenthumb.travel does not do.

We do not vet drivers or hitchers and cannot provide any guarantee as to their conduct.

We will not reveal the registration number of cars to anyone except the police.

We will not pass on your details for marketing purposes.

We believe that the companies offering discounts to our drivers and hitchers are reputable and offer genuine discounts; however we do not accept any liability for the goods or services they provide.

We do not visit or inspect the projects carried out by the charities we support. We raise the money and rely on them to know how best to use it.

We do not require drivers to register with us before giving lifts, but if they don't register then we are unable to offer them discounts as a reward for giving lifts.

We do not provide any insurance cover to drivers or hitchers using the service.


Acceptance of Conditions

These Conditions apply to any use of the Site whatsoever. By using the Site, Users accept these Conditions in full, even if a User does not create a User Account.

No access to the Services will be permitted unless the Conditions are accepted in full. No User is entitled to accept only part of the Conditions. All Users agree and accept that their personal data may be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

In the event that any User fails to comply with any of the terms and Conditions greenthumb.travel reserves the right to withdraw the User Account in question and suspend or withdraw all Services to that User without notice.

The agreement for the lift is between Hitchers and Drivers. greenthumb.travel is not a party to these arrangements or agreements between them.


Variation of the Conditions, the Site and Service

greenthumb.travel reserves the right to modify the terms and Conditions at any time. greenthumb.travel may vary or amend the Services provided through the Site, the Site functionality and/or the “look and feel” of the Site at any time, without notice, and without liability to Users.

All modification to the Site, Services or Terms and Conditions will take effect as soon as such changes are published on the Site.

Users will be deemed to have accepted any varied Conditions in the event that they use any Services offered through the Site following publication of the varied Terms and Conditions. Changes will not apply to services provided prior to publication of the varied Terms and Conditions.


Use of the Service Accuracy of Information

In order to use the Services each Hitcher must create a User Account and agree to provide any personal information requested by greenthumb.travel. This information will not be used by greenthumb.travel for any purpose other than to provide its services and will not be passed to anyone else for marketing purposes.

Hitchers are limited to one User Account per person. No User Account may be created on behalf of or in order to impersonate another person. Users will be required to provide their first name, last name, valid telephone number and email address. They will need to provide a name and phone number for each person they wish to be able to access the records of their lifts.

Use of greenthumb.travel's service is not recommended or encouraged for young people under the age of 18.

Users agree and accept that all of the information they provide to greenthumb.travel when setting up their User Account, and in future, will be accurate, complete and true. Users also agree that any information supplied to greenthumb.travel or posted on the Site in connection with any ride or Vehicle will be accurate, complete and true.

greenthumb.travel is not liable to any user, hitcher or driver in the event that any information provided by anyone is misleading, incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent.

greenthumb.travel reserve the right to suspend a user’s account if any breach of these terms and Conditions occurs and they may be prevented from using further Services.


Commercial activity and greenthumb.travel

greenthumb.travel's Site and the Service are strictly limited to providing a record of lifts to make hitch hiking or car sharing safer for Drivers and Passengers. The Site and the Service may not be used to connect Drivers and Passengers to car share for profit or in any commercial or professional context.

We have no objection to persons who work alone or in vulnerable situations using the service to make their work safer. e.g. sex workers or those who have to visit strangers in their home. However we can offer nothing other than that we record the trip in our usual way.

Drivers must not profit from any Trip. In the case of a long journey hitchers may offer a contribution towards fuel costs if they wish. This is a private matter between hitcher and driver. greenthumb.travel accepts no liability in respect of such agreements. The financial Contribution may only be used to cover the Driver’s costs and may not be used to generate any profit for the Driver. If it does the drivers insurance will probably be invalidated. greenthumb.travel has no way of preventing drivers from trying to make a profit on lifts. It is up to Users to be vigilant. Company vehicle drivers should be aware that their employer may have rules which prohibit the giving of lifts.



The charities greenthumb.travel is supporting are:

Orangutan Land Trust 20% of donations raised.

Size of Wales 60% of donations raised.

Rainforest Saver Foundation 20% of donations raised.

The charities supported or the levels of support may be changed at any time at greenthumbs discretion.


Status of greenthumb.travel

greenthumb.travel does not provide or arrange any transport services. The website and app is a means for Users to record journeys for their mutual safety. The agreement for a lift is between the Driver and the Passenger. greenthumb.travel is not a party to any agreement or transaction between drivers and hitchers, nor is greenthumb.travel liable in respect of any matter arising out of a ride between Users.

Except in relation to the collection of the charitable donations greenthumb.travel is not and will not act as an agent for any User.



No charge is made to drivers providing lifts to hitchers. Hitchers are asked to make a payment of £5 which includes a voluntary donation of £1 to charity, and VAT at 20% for the registration of each ride. If the voluntary donation is not made the charge is £4 including VAT. The giving of a free lift is entirely at the discretion of the driver and they may refuse to give a lift to hitchers who do not make the donation to charity if they wish.

At present we are only able to accept payment via PayPal

The charge is for the recording of the ride and is the same for any distance or number of hitchers. Each payment covers one ride only, it does not cover a return lift.

Please note that greenthumb.travel reserves the right to change any aspect of the Site or its services which may include adding new services (which may require payment) or withdrawing services.


International Trips

greenthumb.travel has been launched in Bristol. It has been designed and tested for use in the United Kingdom. It has not been tested or intended for use abroad so we do not recommend its use for overseas trips.



greenthumb.travel is not a party to any agreement between a Driver and Passenger and will not be liable to either party for any loss or damage.

greenthumb.travel shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure the service is available 24 hours a day, but occasionally access may be restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services or not be available for a reason beyond greenthumb.travel's control.

greenthumb.travel does not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of such information or for any technical problems Users may experience with the Site. (If a User detects a fault, please contact us we will endeavour to correct the fault as quickly as possible). greenthumb.travel shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of the actions of any driver or hitcher.

greenthumb.travel will not be liable to any User for any business, financial or economic loss or for any consequential or indirect loss such as lost reputation, lost bargain, lost profit, lost of anticipated savings or lost opportunity arising as a result of the services provided by greenthumb.travel (whether suffered or incurred as a result of greenthumb.travel's negligence or otherwise) except in the case of fraud, willful concealment or theft.

greenthumb.travel will not be liable to any User in relation to any ride.

greenthumb.travel shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of:

  • Any inaccurate or incomplete information being provided by a User;

  • The cancellation of a Trip by a Driver or Passenger;

  • Any fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or breach of duty or breach of any of these Conditions by a Driver or Passenger before, during or after a Trip.


Suspension or withdrawal of website or app access

In the event of non-compliance on Users’ part with all or some of the Conditions, Users acknowledge and accept that greenthumb.travel can at any time, without prior notification, interrupt or suspend, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the service or access to the website or app. (including in particular User Accounts).


Intellectual property

The format and content of this website and app is protected by United Kingdom and international copyright and greenthumb.travel reserves all of its rights in relation to its copyright whether owned or licensed.

All rights are reserved in relation to any registered and unregistered trademarks (whether owned or licensed to greenthumb.travel) which appear on the Site.

This Site or any portion of this Site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of greenthumb.travel. No party is entitled to systematically extract and/or re-utilise parts of the contents of the Site without the express written consent of greenthumb.travel. In particular, the use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools to extract (whether once or many times) for re-utilisation of any substantial parts of this Site is strictly prohibited.


Content of the Site provided by the User

By displaying content on this Site, Users expressly grant a licence to greenthumb.travel to display the content and to use it for any of greenthumb.travel's other business purposes.

Users of this Site are expressly asked not to publish any defamatory, misleading or offensive content or any content which infringes any other persons intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright). Any such content is contrary to greenthumb.travel’s policy and greenthumb.travel does not accept liability in respect of such content, and the user responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising and agrees to indemnify greenthumb.travel in relation to any liability it may suffer as a result of any such content. However as soon as greenthumb.travel becomes aware of infringing content, greenthumb.travel shall do everything it can to remove such content from the Site as soon as possible.


Law and Jurisdiction

These terms shall be governed by the law of England and Wales and any disputes arising in relation to these terms shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.