Driver FAQs

Do I have to register with before I give a lift?

No. Just stop when you see someone thumbing. But if you wish you can register for our newsletter which will keep you up to date with what we have achieved. We will also send you offers from supporting companies to reward your contribution.


Does it matter if the hitcher records my car number incorrectly?

Yes. If we haven't got the right number we can't offer you rewards for giving lifts. Also if you have a complaint about a hitcher we may not be able to identify the lift and therefore the person. The hitcher should show you the screen when they've registered the lift and you can also see whether or not they have made the voluntary donation to charity.

Will my details be sold or used for marketing?

Definitely not. Your details will only be used by us for the stated purposes. If you think your details have been leaked to another company please tell us so we can put a stop to it.

How long will the record of a lift be kept?

One month. It will only be kept for longer if there has been an enquiry in which case it will kept for as long as it may be useful.

Do I have to pick up someone I don't like the look of?

Of course not. It's your car.

Who will have access to my car registration number?

Only the police and only if they contact us and ask about a specific person who they believe hitched a lift.

Can I find out who I gave a lift to?

No. But if you make a complaint to the police for some reason we will tell them all we know.

I'm a man and I'm uneasy about giving lifts to women. I've heard of false accusations being made and causing men a lot of trouble.

Then don't give lifts to women just offer them to men. If you do give a woman a lift and she makes a threat e.g. “If you don't give me £50 I'll tell the police you indecently assaulted me”. Stop the car tell her firmly to get out and phone the police immediately. Don't wait! The longer you wait the less likely you are to be believed. And if she's tried it on with you she'll try it on again with someone else – she probably already has.

I'm a woman. I wouldn't feel safe giving lifts to men I don't know.

Then only offer lifts to women.

I stopped for a woman and she refused. I'm offended!

Try not to be offended. Some women are uncomfortable accepting lifts from men for various reasons.

How do I know they've made a donation?

The hitcher should show you the last screen when they record the ride on the app.

What about my car insurance. Do I need to tell my Insurer if I give lifts?

No. All insurance policies cover passengers and as long as you don't make a profit your cover is unaffected. Here is a link to the Association of British Insurers statement about this.

I drive a company car. Does this matter?

It may do. You should ask if your employer has any riules about giving lifts. Some do not allow it.

I saw a woman with this symbol on her board. What does it mean?

It means she's only asking for a lift from a woman driver.

How do I find out who hitched a lift with me?

We won't normally give out personal details. If something criminal has happened report it to the police and we'll tell them all we know. If it's something else, such as property left in your car contact and we'll pass a message to the hitcher and ask if it's OK to give you contact details. Telephone 0117 4032042  or email